I am deceased 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I love you so fucking much!! You're my favorite slut 😘😘😘

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Thank you Mesa! I feel there’s been a movement by women to take back the word “slut”. When used by progressive people, it’s supposed to be empowering and liberating, to be free of society’s antiquated views about women’s sexuality. You get it, of course you do because you get me so well 😍. I love that you make me feel seen and understood XOXO 🥰🥰🥰🙏🙏🙏

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I love that the word is being taken back and ascribed a more positive definition! It was such a weapon for so long.

Also, this made me laugh out loud so many times! You have great comedic timing :) Keep going my friend. Xoxo

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Oh, that is like reaching the top of a big mountain, maybe the Matterhorn? I really like Switzerland although I feel their claim of neutrality rings hollow when they stored all that stolen Nazi gold.

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Hilarious , Amy… I got it…seems the Gus not so much 😅subscribing the hell iout of new writers because I think follow is incincere… unless they have no subscribe button. And the word slut used here is exactly the definition…”a woman who has many casual Substack partners! “😂 It’s funny and many of us relate … except me, I don’t have money but I get what I can for free! 😉😘

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I love you Joan 🥰. You give me something more dear than money, you give me your time. You read my work and always comment on it. Sometimes we even have a chuckle in the dms, but that’s our business, right? Seriously, your time, attention, and support mean the world to me. I can always print, earn more money on OnlyFans, Instagram, reading Tarot cards (yes, I can do that!), if and when I need to. XOXO, your crazy but adorable friend, Amy

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😂😅 not crazy, but you are totally adorable, girl! Love you right back! 😘

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You're not a slut you're a beautiful and gorgeous soul

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It's supposed to be a joke. I guess I completely misread the room. I'm sorry.

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Hilarious 🤣🤣🤣💖

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I’m so glad you liked it 🙏🥰

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Just me slinging dollar bills all over the Internet

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Haha, exactly! 🥰😍

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This was such a fun read!

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Hi @Tawny Lara ! Thank you so much for the compliment 🥰. I’m thrilled that you liked it 😍

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Hello, fellow substack slut here. I may go so far as to say I’m a substack whore. Can you get STI (substack transmitted intelligence) from reading and subscribing to “too many” substacks?

You are adorable and hilarious. Please! Keep writing and posting, Amy. You are one I look for.

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I love this Rosemary! Yes, you get to call yourself whatever you damn well want. I think STI (substack transmitted intelligence) is just the cost of doing business on this platform. I will keep writing, and I'm blown away that anyone would "look for me" - what a compliment 😍! Thank you! XO

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Hahahaha great. I think I only subscribe (paid) to 3, one of which is you, so feel special. ;)

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You are a keeper for me @Bonnie Solomon . Oh, how I’ve missed you! You do make me feel special, and I so appreciate it 😍🥰😍🥰

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This is hilarious 🤣 😂😂😂😂😊

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Yay!! I feel seen and understood for the freaky person I am. Thank you Simone! 🥰🙏

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I could picture you on a stage as l read it (l didn’t listen 🤣) … seriously a great script for a stand up comedy routine 😜

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That is high praise my friend! I don’t take it lightly, thank you 🥰🥰

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I laughed out loud from beginning to end … 💜

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You just made my night! XO

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That’s good because it’s morning here, so you jut made my day and it’s only 6.38am 🤣🤣💜

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Hi funny human! Satire is an art. Baldwin (paraphrasing) says the artist is here to be a disruptor. Your playful jabs at consumer culture are spot on. When I worked at an indie bookstore we would put provocative books cover facing out as an act of free speech/irreverence/liberation/fun! The first time I read this I was like what? lol. Then I read further and realized the truisms in the humor. I was a bit caught off guard and wondered what sparked this one? Does it bring you joy?

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Aug 2Liked by Amy Gabrielle

Hilarious! If I could afford to I'd be a Substack slut and subscribe to many subscriptions as I could whenever I wanted to. Or felt the urge to. 😄

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Thank you Jane!! I was trying to be funny, but it feels like some of my subscribers are offended. I'm glad it was clear to you that it's satire. I was beginning to think I'd gone completely crazy (which may still be true, but for different reasons 🤣).

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Aug 2Liked by Amy Gabrielle

The title caught me lol. So I listened to it to the end. Too funny. I have a dry sense of humor though.

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I’d never thought of it … but I wonder….

I like what you say about the freedom of being older—invisibility in the eyes of men attuned to looking for potential sex, and I wonder about the potential, exploitable, freedom from ‘respectability’.

I find myself giving a shit less often —it maybe time to revisit sex in my writing!

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Yes! And keep in mind, we don’t have to share everything we write. Of course, in my case, I wonder why I don’t want to share something. It’s almost always about shame, policing other people’s feelings, making myself smaller so others aren’t uncomfortable.

I still might keep some writing to myself because sometimes the consequences are real. Each woman has to weigh the risks for herself and I don’t want to minimize that. I have a certain amount of privilege, which allows me to give less fucks about what other people think. That isn’t a universal truth.

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I am so happy and honored by your sluttiness!

You were my first—and you never forget your first. I was wet behind the ears and you lifted me up in a warm embrace and spread me around. I’m so much more relaxed about the whole business so Thank You! 🥰😘❤️

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You got me a little hot under the collar Beth! I wonder if some erotic writing is in your future? There is something about being invisible to men that sets us "older" women free to explore our own sexuality. As young women we spend so much time trying to make ourselves pretty for men while at the same time keeping ourselves safe from them. We don't dare expect sex to be about our wants, needs and desires. As far as I know, we only go around once, so best not to spend too much time worrying about other people's judgement.

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I hope my comment didn’t weird you out—I just wanted to join you in reclaiming’slut’ as powerful and playful!

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It didn’t weird me out, but even if it had, that’s an opportunity for me to reexamine my own social conditioning about women expressing their sexuality. I am constantly making people (especially women) feel uncomfortable, but it’s not really about me — it’s about them.

Our culture just accepts as truth that women expressing their sexuality are inviting trouble, that if I dress a certain way or write about sex, that I should expect to be treated as “less than” other women (at best) or provoking violence against me (at worst).

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Aug 7Liked by Amy Gabrielle

One of your best writings so far Amy, it flowed from experience, and was 100% natural .

I don't think I could have done better myself.. It was raw and almost brutal, but not one bit contrived or fake .

Im share others are giving you very high praise as well .

Almost every line gives me the NYC ( relationship reality ) feeling.

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Hi Danny! Thank you so much for this generous compliment 🥰🙏. Your positive feedback let's me know I'm on the right track, especially when I'm trying something new, like satire. Writing funny is tough because it has to be authentic to be successful. I wasn't sure I did a good job with this post, but I will take your review to heart and keep going.

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Aug 10Liked by Amy Gabrielle

Your real light hearted satire style that has the deeper yet ever so sensual and sexy side really is a strong suit for you I belive.

You will find it strongest when it's the most real and raw. ( from my experiences of my own ....having my moments myself ).

Making someone pee themselves is a high complement .

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I could not ask for a higher compliment than making someone pee themselves! 🤣🤣🤣

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Aug 10Liked by Amy Gabrielle

Oh one more small thing before I go...( Colombo moment ) I think your un inhibited side and mow you used that to deal with your grief, really brought out your inhibitions with your satre style of storytelling . ?

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If you like satire, check out McSweeny's - I recently submitted something, but it may be a little too provocative for their audience. If that's the case, I'll publish it here on Substack.

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When I saw the title, my initial reaction was "That is not the way I think about you because I have nothing but admiration, affection and respect for you." Once I finished reading your piece, I got a bit of a smile on my face. I could hear that you had your tongue firmly planted in your cheek when you composed this. You also expressed the same feelings every writer feels. I also learned a little more about my Manhattan Muse. Please do not ever change because I like you just the way you are. (Sorry, Mr. Rogers.) Keep up the good work.

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I’m so glad you liked it! Yes, it is a bit different than what I usually write, but it’s good to mix it up every now and then 🥰. Don’t worry though, I’m still me ☺️

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Hello Amy. It's nice to 'meet' you. This is the first time I've read anything you've written and I'm in stitches! You are so doggone honest! I write and wonder if I can say 'hell', or 'damn' and not get booed and your delightful post is full of 'fuck'. You are a dynamite lady, you know that? BRAVA Amy. BRAVA indeed. From now on, with every post, I will have you in mind when I'll say what I want to say... and damn the torpedoes! Thank you so much --I've enjoyed myself.

Love and hugs, Lady

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Hi C.J.! I think you are awesome! Thank you so much for this comment - you just made my night! I just turned 57 at the end of July, so I think I've earned the right to write "fuck" as much as I want, and you have too! I have a special place in my heart for my fellow widows. I'm glad to know you, and I hate that we have this shitty thing in common. XO 🥰😍

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Awww, Happy Birthday a little late, my new friend! Mine is coming up on the 10th … ewww, three quarters of a century! That’s a definite “Fuck” wouldn’t you say? LOL

I’m happy we’ve met. You’re a fun lady to know and yes, I appreciate that you’ve unlocked my inhibitions about swearing … why should guys be the only ones who can say whatever comes to mind?

I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend!



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