Can’t wait to read cover to cover. That beginning rips my heart out every time ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹 I’m so glad you had such a wonderful friend to be there with you.

Love you sweet friend ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹

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Oh Mesa, you are just the best! I’ve been thinking about you and hoping you are feeling so much better. Covid can really kick your butt. I love you too sweetie ❤️❤️. XO

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I wish I could report that I was, but it is seriously kicking my tushy. I’m like a snot factory 🫠 (sorry for the grossness of that 🤣)… sense of humor still intact, sense of smell not so much 🤦🏻‍♀️

I just keep telling myself it’ll end soon.. just a few more days 🫠🫠

Thank you for thinking of me ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹

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Ugh, that sucks. It does linger, but hopefully it will give you a break soon. In the meantime I hope your husband isn't sick too so he can take care of you. Sending healing magic your way!

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Thank you friend! Luckily he’s at the very end of it so I know there’s light on its way!

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Yes to have a wonderful friend.♥️

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I don't have a lot of friends, but the ones I have are super humans 🥰

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Not even sure I remember anything of the year after my husband died. This is a brave project. Deepest sympathies for your loss. We are stronger than we realize most days.

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Hi Sherry, I wouldn’t wish widowhood on my worst enemy, it’s a hard life. We are stronger than we thought we could ever be, I agree. My son was 9 when his dad died 3 years ago. He’s 12 now, and I’m all he’s got. It’s funny because I remember the first year pretty well, but not so much the second and third years. I think I’m slowly coming out of the fog now. I’m happy to meet you but I wish the circumstances were different. 🥰

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Agreed. I'm sorry that you all had to go through that. Losing a parent is hard enough when you're older. I wish you all the best.

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Oct 13Liked by Amy Gabrielle

Well written and so powerful. It's going to be a beautiful memoir

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Thank you so much Jane! It's kicking my butt right now, but I'm plowing forward. XO 🥰❤️

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Oct 14Liked by Amy Gabrielle

Hugs Amy ❤️

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Oh, Amy. I'm so sorry for what you went through. Thank the stars for your sweet friend and for your willingness to share your story.

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I'm glad you found me Holly 🥰. Thank you for your friendship and kind words of support 🙏.

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Oct 12Liked by Amy Gabrielle

This is so powerful and beautifully written, Amy. I’ve been sitting here for five minutes just thinking about it; what you went through, how difficult it all must have been. I’m grateful that you’re writing about it and sharing it with us.

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Thank you so much Chris! I'm grateful that you are here reading my work, and that you're writing always makes me laugh. I appreciate you! 🥰🙏

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Oct 11Liked by Amy Gabrielle

Thank you for sharing Amy, this is beautiful and powerful.

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Hi Gareth, I so appreciate your kind words and support. Thank you! 🙏

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Oh Amy… I can feel that moment… he is gone. 😢 you’ve shared your most vulnerable self here… knowing it was coming but not really prepared. I know this memoir is going to impact so many regarding grief. Thank you for this chapter … for you openness and pain. I care, sweet friend! Much love as always! 💕❤️😘

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Thank you so much Joan. Your friendship and support have meant so much to me. Editing/writing a second draft is harder in that I can see that so much was missing. Factual details and feelings alike are absent from many pages. I can understand what writers mean when they say they just started the second draft from scratch. It's almost harder to try and make whatever bits and pieces from the first can be shaped into the second. I'm grateful you're here to motivate me to keep going. XO 🥰❤️

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Drafts are our friends! Bits and pieces are what pulls it all together no matter how long it takes. Are you on a deadline? If not…. No worries. You’re doing great! 🙂🙌

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No deadline, except those I self impose and which really mean nothing. It takes as long as it takes, I know.

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Oct 10Liked by Amy Gabrielle

Dearest Amy,

My deepest gratitude and bows for what it took to pull this forth and get it to keyboard, may that healing journey deepen. My heart is with you and Henry, always.

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Hi Niki, I've been thinking about you. I know you've come up against some unexpected grief around family who does not have the capacity to be there for you. It's so, so hard to stop wanting people to step up the way they always should have. Please take care of your tender heart and know I'm so grateful you entered my life. XO 🥰❤️🙏

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Oct 11Liked by Amy Gabrielle

Dear Amy,

Many thanks for this heartfelt comment. This has yes been the case and I’ve been doing my best to navigate it. As with all of the pain in my life thus far, there are nuggets to mine and this was a rich vein. Finding the capacity to stay, to get comfortable with the uncomfortable, eventually reveals all that Love is trying to deliver. I’m getting better at this but am a slow learner. You will forever have a seat on the alter of my heart and I think of you and Henry often. Always sending deep love your way.🙏💗

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Nope, not my eyes leaking, sniffle, sniffle. I feel the same about you Niki. Take as long as you need to heal those parts of your broken heart. As we always say, there is no timeline for grief. XO 🥰❤️

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Oct 13Liked by Amy Gabrielle

*hands tissue* Big hugs 💗🙏 Indeed, truly sinking in to each moment and deeply grateful for my fellow travelers.

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My heart 💔 ❤️

So raw, vulnerable and just…so touching. I could feel your heart.

And what a beautiful friendship to carry you through.

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Thank you so much Cici! I’ve been thinking about you so much since I listened to your last post. Talk about raw and vulnerable, I was frozen during most of it. I’m pretty sure I left a comment, but I doubt it was sufficient in communicating the depth of my feelings. XO 🥰❤️

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Gorgeous, Amy. Your Covid Zoom memorial description… wow. So glad you’re writing. xoxo

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Emily! I keep thinking about our Tuesday morning meetings and how much they motivated me to write the first draft. I'm doing okay so far with the second draft, but I may need to start my own group to hold me accountable. XO 🥰❤️

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I can't wait to read the full memoir Amy. This first chapter alone has me crying into my coffee. You are a beautiful storyteller.

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Oh, Danielle, this means the world to me! The part about wanting to read more, I'm sorry I made you cry. I can't wait for it to be published, but I have a lot of editing to do before that.

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The beginning drew me in, this line in particular "I take off my mask which is already wet with tears and snot."

Having a friend of fifty years to lean on feels really special. Glad she was there for you. Those people are so important.

Do you plan to serialize your memoir here Amy?

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Thank you for your reflections Istiaq. I felt so old writing that I've had a friend for 50 years, but she's worth it 🤣. I don't know about serializing the whole memoir because I want to publish it as a book, but I found posting my first draft so helpful in terms of feedback and keeping me motivated to continue writing. I'm curious if you have an opinion either way? I'd love to know what others think.

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If your goal is a book, I'd say shoot for that. I asked out of curiosity. My goal is to publish as well through a press, but still in revision right now. Whenever you publish, count me in to read your story/buy your book. And I will do my best to give helpful feedback when I can, sometimes I don't know if I should just enjoy the story or try to give feedback...

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I appreciate all feedback as long as it's constructive, meaning there's a reason why something doesn't work rather than just stating a personal preference. Bonus points for including actionable steps to make fix any problematic areas. Thanks!!

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Hi Amy, this is so absolutely heartbreaking and absolutely gorgeous at the same time. I can’t even imagine I didn’t listen all the way through yet but I wanna come back. Thank you so much for sharing your depth, your heart thank you.

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Thank you so much for your kind words and supportive comments. You are such an amazing and inspiring woman. I'm glad we found each other on Substack 🥰❤️

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Oct 10Liked by Amy Gabrielle

Thank you Amy.

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Thank you Julia. I hope you’re doing okay. XO 🥰❤️

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Powerful. Very good writing. THank you for sharing. As hard as it must have been, I am thankful you let us in. 🫶

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Thank you for your generous comment and words of support. It 100% keeps me motivated to keep writing ✍️ 🥰🙏

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Oct 10Liked by Amy Gabrielle

Deeply moving. Thank you for letting me and all the other readers in to witness this precious time.

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Teyani, I'm so glad you are here and thank you so much for taking the time to read my story. 🙏🥰

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