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Thank you Mesa, my dear sweet friend. Iā€™m celebrating you today! šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰

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I came to say what Mesa said!

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Thank you Holly! šŸ„°ā¤ļøšŸ™

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Iā€™m trying not to hold my breath until November and Iā€™m not even American! But Iā€™m with you all the way and hoping against hope itā€™s a different outcome than 2016. šŸ¤žšŸ«£

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We need all the Canadian good luck we can get šŸ„°šŸ™

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I'm an elder Millennial, and I can't bring myself to be too optimistic election because I remember 2016. I woke up to the news and couldn't believe it happened. I hope this year it's different.

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I hear you. I was truly devastated after 2016. I seriously underestimated the country's hatred towards women in general and for Hillary Clinton in particular. It was a huge wake up call for me as a white woman who thought Trump's "grab them by the pussy" quote and mimicking of a reporter with cerebral palsy rendered him unelectable. I finally understood what marginalized groups were saying about white women prioritizing their white privilege over intersectional feminism.

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Sep 3Liked by Amy Gabrielle

It took me years to get over (and I use that term loosely) Hillary not winning, but this time it is going to happen!

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I sincerely hope so. I'm trying to work up some enthusiasm, but memories of 2016 won't let me.

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Amy, boy did this resonate with me. I also believed Hillary Clinton would win in 2016; I was so sure of it. And then, the horror. I love Kamala Harris and hope that she can beat the felon. However, I refuse to be sure of her win. Nothing is certain. I'd rather go into this election thinking the worst, than to believe Kamala has it and be thrown into depression yet again. Cautiously optimistic am I.

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Yes, the horror!! After 8 years Iā€™ve grudgingly accepted the outcome of the election, but Iā€™m still traumatized knowing that so many women voted for Trump. Cautiously optimistic indeed!

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Sep 1Liked by Amy Gabrielle

Amy, you go girl! Well said. And love the connection for Millennial womenā€¦

Iā€™m a Boomer, but Iā€™m with you, and with all the women out there awaiting the turning of the tide. Perhaps this will be the moment! (Hope so, Hope so)

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Thank you so much! Boomers and Gen Z are more than welcome to join the hope train! Be at the ready, we ride at dawn!

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Sep 1Liked by Amy Gabrielle

Love thatā€¦ ā€œchoo chooā€

Iā€™m on board!

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Omg who was her running mate??? I forgot too lol

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Senator Tim Kaine of Virginia (I looked it up šŸ¤£)

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I watched that election almost as closely as Iā€™m watching this one (aka intensely) and that does not ring even a distant bell šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£

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I know. Scary. šŸ¤£

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Aug 31Liked by Amy Gabrielle

I was living in DC during the 2016 election. The day after it was decided, the whole city was in mourning. From the Metro to the Safeway, just somber sadness.

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I can imagine. šŸ™ƒ

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Definitely Rob Lowe... especially the Oxford Blues and St. Elmo Fire days... :)

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Agreed šŸ„°ā¤ļø

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Well Amy, l did crack a smile listening to this, more about the pantsuit parable than anything else; not being American, what l know about your politics and seemingly complicated voting system could fill a postage stamp. I know you remember what a stamp is fellow Gen Xā€™er ā€¦ Ok, l am on the cusp Boomer ā€¦ šŸ¤£. Anyway, hope all the little sisters are listening. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ’œšŸ™šŸ¼. I only remember being totally flabbergasted about the result, it was a WTF moment in Australia šŸ‡¦šŸ‡ŗ šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ¤£šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø. Not that we have fielded anything better šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø

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Aug 27Liked by Amy Gabrielle

Pardon me I should have qualified. I am a necessary Democratic Party constituent at the moment.

The last GOP candidate I supported was Eisenhower šŸ˜‰šŸ¤£

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Aug 27Liked by Amy Gabrielle

Great advice! There is a reason for how that all went down .

HRC, Nancy Kamala? From the party that has 11 of the 12 legitimate members of Congress. Eight of them women. PLEASE!!

Both terrible candidates. Having nothing to do with their qualifications or ability to be President. Well, least on HRC's part. I see the latter has not qualified, that's neither here nor there.

The prescient points?

Again, terrible candidate. I think a lot of Midwestern me no matter how fierce they're blind Blue tribe allegiance are going to have a hard time voting for a woman of color.

Like Hillary, it's quite possible he's going to motivate more GOP registered non-voters to show up than ever before in history.

No one has accounted for the cheat. The only reason they didn't steal it again after 2016 in 2020 is mail in ballots. The paradigm due to Covid.

Election security is it a completely different issue but relevant. We are spending billions pons billions for machines it most likely have been manipulating election outcomes when we could be using pencil and paper. We're paying for the privilege of getting raped.

The key to this election what percentage of the possible 80 million registered in on voters will show up. Obviously, Trump won't motivate any of statistical significance. The 3 million votes more than any GOP candidate in history of the 2016 popular vote totals we're obviously vote against Hillary. Not for Trump. The same dynamic could occur. Barack Obama is the only candidate that has motivated that group to participate in my lifetime. I will do you think an African-American man became president of a racist shit hole?

There's no David Axelrod here. It is the DNC part time constant campaign industrial complex full of unprofessional, unqualified, kakistocratic opportunists.

We've been handed to opportunities to completely rearrange and magnified of quality of life in the society. We have now missed them both.

Unless 85 million voters write in #ElizabethWarrenKatiePorter2024.

Mass epiphany is a highly dubious paradigm.

Smart money is on the giant asteroid......

Lord. WtP suck.

My personal thought on this ticket aren't very nice. I do not consent to a coronation. A ticket that not a single member of the electorate cast a vote in favor of. Lastly, there's a special place in hell for a woman of color who kind of seems to willing pack corrupt old white guy water.

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Yes.. Kamala will fix the mess that she created. She will not answer questions.. All She does is walk across the stage, wave, and grin.. (which sheā€™s good at) and repeat the same speech over and over. Had there been an open Primary, she would not be the nominee.

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Perhaps not. I am genuinely curious, who do you think would be the Democratic candidate if there had been an open primary? Biden as the incumbent? Or someone else? It feels like the Democrats have no plan moving forward and are playing whack a mole as each new crisis arises.

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Probably Newsom.. but the party leaders didnā€™t want an open primary.. they wanted to pick their candidate.

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